Things I'm bound to forget

Life as an IT professional can be tough, there is just too much to remember :)

TrueNAS Scale Backup Script

In my previous post, I described how to install the proxmox backup client and how to create an account within PBS (Proxmox Backup Server) to allow backup and restore operations on a specific PBS datastore. As well as create a manual backup of a TrueNAS Scale datastore. For a once off backup it would suffice but I wanted a regular backup of my TrueNAS datasets onto the PBS, with logging for trouble shooting if the need arises.

Installing proxmox backup client into TrueNAS Scale

If you have a Proxmox VE, Proxmox Backup server (PBS) and TrueNAS Scale in your lab, you probably have one set of backups for the Proxmox infrastructure and another for your NAS backups. You do have backups right !? (NO, RAID IS NOT A BACKUP). If, like me you got sick of having two sets of backups and thought…“Wouldn’t it be nice to have a single backup system” then is article is right up your alley.